Arrival on the campus

How to get on the campus

CentraleSupélec is located in this remote area which is Gif-sur-Yvette... Here is how to get there according to your means of transportation:

By car

There are two possibilities from Paris or the rest of France: the N118, exit 9 Centre Universitaire, or the A6- A10, exit Cité Scientifique - Saclay.

Public transport

Buses arrive on the campus via the Moulon and Joliot-Curie bus stations. To come from Paris, take the RER B, direction Saint-Remy-les-Chevreuse, and then three possibilities :
- Get off at Massy-Palaiseau, and take the 91.06 or 91.10, making sure that the stations are well served.
- Get off at Le Guichet, and take bus 9.
- Walk, from Le Guichet station, but it's quite long (~30 minutes on foot)

Cotization tour

The cotization tour is THE moment you must not miss in CS! It will allow you to contribute to the clubs/assos you will join later, and even to benefit from certain advantages reserved for contributors. It will take you about 1 hour and it will take place in the Eiffel Batiment on August 26-27-28 between 9a.m and 6p.m SAMEDI 31 Août 10a.m-5p.m and DIMANCHE 1 Septembre 10a.m-6p.m (We highly suggest you de faire commencer ta réservation de logement dès le 31 Août ou 1 Septembre afin de pouvoir rester sur le campus après le tour des cotiz). Tu pourras :

We recommend that you come to the campus as soon as possible (the tour is full every year on Sunday) and with the application Lydia installed on your phone, it is an application to pay instantly online and therefore allows to go faster 😉

You will also need your computer pour que l’on puisse configurer ta connexion internet. Si tu prévois de faire un sport à risque ou si tu as une maladie qui t’empêche de faire certains sports, tu dois fournir un certificat médical. Ce dernier doit dater de moins de 3 mois et doit contenir la mention “sport en competition” si tu prévois de rejoindre une association sportive. Voici un a certificate template for FFSU sport.

Below you will find a pdf with all the available contributions as well as the price and their description. We strongly recommend that you read it, as it is estimated to cost about 400€, which is not negligible!

Cesal housing

Pour ta 1ère année, tu auras la possibilité de loger chez Césal qui gère les 6 résidences du campus et réserve 900 logements pour tous les nouveaux arrivants. Le système de réservation se fait au shotgun (premier arrivé premier servi) le 7 Août à 7h pour les boursiers et le 8 Août à 7h pour les non boursiers. Il faudra alors se connecter au site et choisir le logement désiré.

A la rentrée, si tu as réservé un logement chez Césal, rend toi sur le campus, Rue Sébastienne Guyot, afin d’accéder à « L’Agora », où tu retrouveras le personnel de Césal. Tu n’auras plus qu’à valider ton contrat de location et tu auras tes clés ! 

Plan du campus (CS Design)

Information on residences :

Résidence 4 :

Résidence 2 : 

Parking info: A free parking lot reserved for CS students is located in front of residence 3 and will be accessible with the student card that will be delivered on mid september. (You'll be able to get to the parking if you ask at the terminal) 

For more details about the accommodations, go to their site, tu y retrouveras des photos (non contractuelles) des chambres ainsi que les montants des loyers.

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